Monday, October 1, 2012

On Democracy

True democracies are best reserved for smaller societies for several reasons. The burden of finding out what each and every citizen, in a society where there are 330 million people, wants would severely slow law-making, to the point where it is dysfunctional. On top of that, there would most likely be a lot of error in this type of system, where the votes of a few unfortunate citizens are incorrectly changed. Also, the disagreement between the different people and their opinions would make law-making chaotic and unreasonable. On top of that, unless there was a rigorous education system, there is no way you could count on every citizen to make the educated and best decision, rather than what is best for them or popular. Thus the true voting should be left up to the people that are educated and can pick the best decision for the people they are representing.

1 comment:

  1. But think about what technology can do to speed up that process of gathering what people think! Doesn't that make democracy in a larger society more possible?
